Colorado fires from space, NASA.
Matt Moneymaker is tweeting today about his program, Finding Bigfoot’s next shooting session in Colorado, this August 2012.
Matt Moneymaker @MattMoneymaker1
#BFRO has been hearing abt BF activity near perimeter of #AirForce Academy in #Colorado for years. Some tips came from AF people.
10h tanderson @L_anderson41
@MattMoneymaker1 it was about 9 or 10 at night on Lookout Mtn, I was in my car and it ran down a hill and in front of my car.
Retweeted by Matt Moneymaker
Matt Moneymaker @MattMoneymaker1
#Colorado sasquatches near boundary of #AirForce Academy were likely affected by fire. Can some Air Force ppl guide us into those canyons?
Matt Moneymaker @MattMoneymaker1
#FindingBigfoot goes 2 Colorado in August looking 4 sasquatches displaced by fires. Media & gov news abt fires
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