Michigan’s Mauling Mystery Cats

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources insists it was not a cougar that recently mauled a 900-pound horse in Rives Township near Jackson. Okay, then what?

Mystery felids or some other kinds of animals appear to be attacking horses in Michigan. The Detroit Free Press published a good overview article today, which you can find here.

As the reporter says, “Indisputable scientific evidence is scarce … making the Michigan cougar truly a UFO — or Unidentified Furry Creature.”

The images with the article speak volumes:

Dr. Robert Sray stitched up 10-year-old Daydream after the horse was mauled Sept. 16 in a pasture near Jackson County. Sray, who’s treated animals for 40 years, said he’s certain the attacker was a cougar, also known as a mountain lion.

Daydream’s wound required 30 stitches. “We do not believe this was a cougar attack,” a Department of Natural Resources spokeswoman said. “We don’t know what it is from.”

John Darlington’s 20-year-old horse, Shawna, was found with a gash on her side in the same pasture where another horse was attacked. Darlington of Lansing says he’s sure it was a cougar.

Photos by Mike Wendland/Detroit Free Press

Thanks for the tip from S. Royce.