Lake Merritt Monster

Ginny Prior, The Town Crier of California’s Contra Costa Times talks in her column of January 12, 2007, about the "Beast [that] dwells in [the] murky waters of Lake Merritt."

She writes:

I’ve always suspected something was lurking, just below the murky green surface. Now it’s been confirmed — Oakland’s Lake Merritt has a monster. Like Scotland’s Loch Ness and Lake Champlain’s Champ, this creature eludes all but the most vigilant observers.

Richard Bailey, the resident expert, has seen the great head of the beast — with its glowing red eyes and spiked horns.

"It’s got six or seven humps like you’d see on the Loch Ness," he proclaims, adding that the creature measures more than 10 feet in length. Frightening? You bet! But Bailey says it’s also a tourist attraction, if you don’t get too close. He’s sent out a letter to the City Council asking that the creature be protected as an endangered species.

But this has been an ongoing joke for a few years. Why does Bailey keep pushing this story?

He tried to pepper the media with sightings of a six-foot-alligator he called the Lake Merritt Monster in 2003.

Lake Merritt Monster

During a past Halloween, the artists group Nonchalance used these stories to float the above Lake Merritt Monster in the lake. Concurrently, the event was announced via their website that claimed the serpent-like creature was unnoticeably trapped in Lake Merritt, after the marsh was sealed into a lake in 1869.

Dr. Richard Bailey is the executive director of the Lake Merritt Institute, his own creation to save the wetlands of this "lake." Bailey has noted in past interviews: "Lake Merritt is known as the first waterfowl refuge in the United States dating back to 1869 or 1870 I think it was. It predates Yosemite in that regard."

Lake Merritt is a unique "lake," an inlet of San Francisco Bay shut off from the ocean in 1869, but still remains salt water.

Perhaps Bailey should appreciate the importance of what it is he is trying to protect and leave this cryptozoological hoax out of it. If I’m not understanding something here about why he wants to go to his city council about this, I hope he or someone in his group enlightens me.