New Nessie Footage

Gordon Holmes Loch Ness Monster

Gordon Holmes Loch Ness Monster

New video footage, apparently somewhat compelling, from Loch Ness has been taken by a scientist, Gordon Holmes.

Cryptomundo has technically been unable to upload the video, but you can view it here.

[Update: The reported broken link, noted in early comments, has been corrected.]

Below is Holmes at the site of his filming.

Gordon Holmes Loch Ness Monster

Gordon Holmes told the Yorkshire Post

I was sat in a lay-by about 70ft above the loch – it was 10pm but the sun was still shining on the mountains on the other side. I was minutes from going home and I had only gone up there to relax and enjoy the view when I saw something moving on the surface of the water so I dashed to get the camera. It wasn’t a wave because it was going in the opposite direction to the waves that I could see and the top half of it seemed to be black. My camcorder was on a black and white setting and it took me a while to find it again in the water, but I’ve got two-and-half-minutes of footage which I have shown to experts and they think it is definitely a living creature.

I have always been interested in science, astronomy and the unknown. I have an open mind about the monster. I know they’re have been around 1,600 sightings over the years and people claim to have seen something which they can’t describe because they have never seen anything like it before.

I originally thought it looked about 4 ft to 6 ft long but I think it may have been larger than that, one onlooker in the shop said he thought he could see a fin. At its closest point it was about 100 yards away from me. It seemed to be travelling faster than a human could walk.Gordon Holmes

Gordon Holmes Loch Ness Monster

Dr. Henry Bauer, while wondering at first if it might be a wind-driven wave, noted the length of the footage (2.5 minutes) seems to indicate against such a theory.

Also, the darker coloring appears to show it is not being caused by the surface wind.

To some it suggests an otter, a sturgeon, an eel, or an unknown cryptid.

What do you see in the footage?