Beckjord’s Cancer Advances


Almost exactly one year ago, Jon-Erik Beckjord reported he had cancer. He’s broadcasting an update.

Jon-Erik Beckjord has posted the following on his forum:

My enemies will rejoice. It comes to us all. To some earlier; to some later. Like Rene Dahinden, I have advanced prostate cancer and it has advanced to the bones. I was warned on the Lummi Indian Reservation that if you see Bigfoot/Sasquatch too often, it is a sign they are taking you to them, to join them…Roger Patterson got the best Bigfoot movie of all time, 58 sec, and within four years passed on with Lymphatic cancer (Parkenson’s disease [?] ). Bob Titmus also suffered cancer and he had a number of very excellent sightings. He survived quite a long time but it got him in the end….Bob Gimlim has had four heart by-pass operations. His time, too, is limited….The ride, however, has been one hell of a ride, and I have met some fabulous people, and learned some incredible things. I’m 68, Dahinden was 70, Titmus was in his 80s. I’ve crammed in a life of 200 years into one life.Jon-Erik Beckjord, January 30, 2008.

Part of the reason for his posting? He wants to sell his copy of the Patterson-Gimlin footage for a million dollars, again.

As I said when I first heard about his cancer, despite Beckjord’s bad boy reputation, a guy who has even been banned from Wikipedia, I wish cancer on no one.


My hope is for Beckjord to have some painless moments during what life is left for him.