Dragons on NPR

Mystical Creatures

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Rick Kleffel, Fortean and editor of The Agony Column, has broadcast an audio report on National Public Radio (NPR) about dragons.

Riding Dragon

It can now be accessed for listening by clicking here on “Dragons Get a Modern Image Makeover.”

The description of the program notes:

All Things Considered, January 27, 2007 · Old maps bore the scary legend “here there be dragons.” These days dragons aren’t so scary. In countless books and movies, they’re portrayed as loving companions to the humans that ride them.


I’ve added visuals here for Cryptomundo readers so you’ll have something to view as you listen to Kleffel’s audio, if you wish.


Living Dinosaur

Click on Mokele-mbembe to make this image of a modern dragon even larger.

Dragon Rider

This Ancient Thracian (Bulgarian) silver gilt appliqué shows a woman riding a water dragon.