Cryptozoology Talks Near You


Today may be my birthday ~ and many thanks to those who are making it a great day to contribute to the Save The Museum effort ~ however, I’m not resting idlely by without fighting to keep the International Cryptozoology Museum open by every means necessary, for example, through making various appearances in support of this effort too, where ever I may. No one likes to become extinct!


Besides the Alberta Royal Museum, Edmonton, Alberta, July 20, 2008, illustrated lecture on “Dragons and Cryptozoology,” which you have been hearing a good deal about here lately, there shall also be the forthcoming:


I will be at the Beyond Reality Event: The Mount Washington Hotel Conference – Bretton Woods, New Hampshire – August 23-26, 2008 – giving a talk on “Cryptozoology.” Since, I will drive there, I shall have a table full of exhibits from the museum and even some new books to share and/or sell/sign.


Then it is on to a border state, for at the ScareFest will be appearing Loren Coleman (nice gif on their part) speaking on “Cryptozoology,” sometime during the September 12, 13, 14, 2008, gathering in Lexington, Kentucky, as well as always at my display table with flight-friendly museum artifacts.


Then for the hot cryptid month of October (everyone loves Halloween), first up, the Mass Monster Mash – 2008 at Hibernian Hall, 151 Watertown Street, Route 16, Watertown, Massachusetts, on October 18th, 2008, speaking on “Mothman and Other Cryptid Winged Wonders.” I think, of course, I will have some Bigfoot items and books with me too!


Just recently confirmed, I am happy to have been invited by the Boston Museum of Science, Boston, Massachusetts, to deliver an illustrated talk entitled “Bigfoot, Sea Serpents, and Cryptozoology,” in conjunction with their “Mythic Creatures” exhibition, at 7:00 pm, on the evening of October 29th, 2008. (Since December 2007, in less than a year, I have given talks at the American Museum of Natural History, the Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art, the Royal Alberta Museum, and Boston Museum of Science. Cryptozoology-related exhibitions are increasingly touring the country, in the wake of the Bates College cryptozoology exhibition of 2005-2006 and similar traveling programs.)


The Boston-area appearances will be followed by my presentation, “An Introduction to Cryptozoology” during the Stanley Hotel Event in Estes Park, Colorado, which is being held November 9th through November 12th, 2008.

I’m sure there will be more, and I’ll keep you updated.


museum logo

Nearly 140 different people have contributed, and the donation drive got off to a great start. Even two benefactors, at $1000 each pitched in, but donations have dropped to nearly zero since July 3rd.

Please don’t forget the museum, and remember you may directly send a check, money order, or, if outside the USA, an international postal money order made out to

International Cryptozoology Museum
c/o Loren Coleman
PO Box 360
Portland, ME 04112

Please “Save The Museum”! Easy-to-use donation buttons are now available here or merely by clicking the blank button below. Thank you, everyone!
