More Chicago Cougars

Dan Rozek of the Chicago Sun-Times reports that more sightings of large felids are being recorded in the Chicago area:

Searchers swooped low over the Skokie Lagoons in a helicopter today to look for
signs of a cougar after several reported sightings of a big cat there –
including a sighting Tuesday, a day after a 2-year-old cougar was shot by police
in Chicago.

Two Cook County Forest Preserve District biologists and a forest preserve police
officer spent about 1 1/2 hours hovering above the sprawling forest preserve,
but saw no signs of a cougar or other large cat.

Days after Chicago Police killed a cougar (inset) on the North Side, Cook County
wildlife experts searched the Skokie Lagoons on Wednesday after receiving
reports of a cougar sighting.

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“It was all coyotes, deer and waterfowl — no signs of big cats,” said biologist
Chris Anchor, one of the airborne searchers.

A ground search by forest preserve workers and police also was taking place
today in the forest preserve, which sits at the northern end of Cook County near

“We¹re just being extra, double cautious because of the circumstances,” said
Anchor, referring to the Monday night discovery of a 122-pound cougar in the
city¹s Roscoe Village.

“Because of what occurred in Chicago, it behooves us to check out any sightings
that seem credible,” he added.

The most recent report of a big cat at the forest preserve came Tuesday morning,
Anchor said.

Another sighting at Erickson Woods in the southwest corner of the park — came
about 5:30 p.m. Sunday, said another Cook County official, who asked not to be
