Chicago River Gator

chic gator

On June 20, 2008, the alligator above was caught in a branch of the Chicago River, Illinois; it measured 4½ feet long and about 45 pounds. The alligator was found in the Bubbly Creek, in a woodsy area near 37th Street and Racine Avenue, which at one time was one of the dirtiest parts of the river.

It just stayed submerged with its eyes popping out like in the documentaries. It was in stealth mode, I think.Bill Cox, director of human resources for Midland Metal Products

Cox was among about a dozen Midland employees who spotted the female alligator swimming laps near a secluded industrial area in the Bridgeport neighborhood. She was trapped by volunteers with the Chicago Herpetological Society.

This is the first alligator found in the Chicago River, according to the herpetological society. The group’s volunteers said they’ve confiscated 25 alligators this year, both in nature and in homes.

Source: “They found a gator in the Chicago River? Believe it,” by Mary Owen, Chicago Tribune, June 21, 2008.