Media Day, Cryptozoology, and Halloween I am happy you found your way to Cryptomundo. But think about it, how do people hear about cryptozoology? From the media, of course. Television reality programming, books, radio shows, the internet, movies, magazines. All forms of the media, creating a whole new set of cryptozoologists-in-training. There are many choices out there for people, and oftentimes cryptozoologists are asked to do interviews. I do them because I am interested in a serious, adventurous, scientific profile of cryptozoology being shared with the public. Many teachers and parents have told me that nonreaders have turned into readers [...]
Sasquatch on golf courses
Watching a tribute on ESPN to Tiger Woods tonight, an ad flashes on. People are describing something they have seen on a golf course, large, with a flat face, and other imagery that any Bigfooter would recognize as reflective of our quest. Then, SQ appears, followed by other letters…until you see "SASQUATCH…Coming in November." Nike is introducing a new club named "SasQuatch," and the ads are certainly entertaining. Meanwhile, a few months ago, I was interviewed by GolfStyles Ohio reporter Jon E. Hale about sightings of Bigfoot (Eastern Bigfoot, Windigo, Marked Hominoids?) near Ohio golf courses. Jon informs me the [...]
$1m Bigfoot bounty withdrawn
Duel Masters Withdraws and Rescinds $1M Bounty Hunt (Renton, Wash.) As noted by international cryptozoologist and author Loren Coleman earlier this week, the Duel Masters trading card game produced by Wizards of Coast [Hasbro, Inc.’s (NYSE: HAS)], explored the possibility of sponsoring a one million dollar bounty hunt that would encourage the live safe capture of Bigfoot, Yeti (Abominable Snowman) or Nessie (Loch Ness Monster). Prior to the start of the promotion, Duel Masters reconsidered based on safety concerns for both the public and for creatures-at-large. Specifically, Duel Masters feared that untrained cryptozoologists would engage in unsafe behaviors in their [...]
Duel Masters Withdraws $1M Bounty
Duel Masters Withdraws and Rescinds $1M Bounty Hunt (Renton, Wash.) As noted by international cryptozoologist and author Loren Coleman earlier this week, the Duel Masters trading card game produced by Wizards of Coast [Hasbro, Inc.’s (NYSE: HAS)], explored the possibility of sponsoring a one million dollar bounty hunt that would encourage the live safe capture of Bigfoot, Yeti (Abominable Snowman) or Nessie (Loch Ness Monster). Prior to the start of the promotion, Duel Masters reconsidered based on safety concerns for both the public and for creatures-at-large. Specifically, Duel Masters feared that untrained cryptozoologists would engage in unsafe behaviors in their [...]
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