If you live your life only casually reading about Bigfoot, you may be unaware of the massive fireworks happening among West Coast Bigfooters, just out of the camera range of the popular televised reality programs searching for Sasquatch.
Cryptomundo has detailed some of the allegedly creatively editing of items posted at Bigfoot Encounters, reflecting, allegedly, the bias of the “archivist” there.
Now, over at Steven Streufert’s BIGFOOT’S bLOG, today, July 4th, the latest chapter is documented, in minute detail, in “The B.S. Of Bigfoot Encounters.”
Steven Streufert writes: “EVIDENCE EXHIBIT ONE: The Original Article on Larry Lund, from THE COLUMBIAN, October 26, 2005.”
Enuf said. Read the details yourself over there; you won’t see ‘em here.
One intriguing personality mystery revealed in passing in Streufert’s piece: What does this Bigfoot Encounters archivist look like these days?
Streufert runs the above photograph noting, “B.S., in the one common photo of her available, as no one seems to have saved the beach bunny one she used to use on the old IVBC.”
Strangely, yesterday, by coincidence, Fortean writer Robert Schneck wrote that he “reached into [his] pocket to pay for a soda and found this” photograph (shown above by Robert). He doesn’t know who it is, or how it came to be in his pocket. The only explanation he could “think of is that the photograph was once glued to something and got stuck to a bill that” Schneck was given as change.
I don’t know what B.S. looks like these days, and it really doesn’t matter, I suppose. What struck me is how the one photo of B.S. that remains around for people to talk about has a pattern on her dress that reminded me of the mystery discovery of Schneck’s, detailed yesterday.
Maybe other photos of B.S. exist out there, in someone’s pocket (or files)? What she looks like today has become as mysterious as, say, what is really shown in that Thunderbird image. If you care about that sort of stuff….
The anomalistic archivist is stirring up a hornet’s nest, that’s for sure.
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