Sex and Bigfoot in Texas

I recall that several years ago, I was almost burned at the stake for trying to shake up the Bigfoot establishment when I gave a talk about Sasquatch sexuality. What I simply was proposing was that if Bigfoot was an actual animal, it needed to reproduce and thus we should be as willing to research the sexual biology of Bigfoot as much as we study masturbation and homosexuality among the bonobo.

Shockingly, in today’s issue of Vanity Fair, a reporter who was at the Texas Bigfoot conference reports on a lecture that appears to have gone way beyond what I said even in my chapter, “Sex and the Single Sasquatch,” in Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America (NY: Paraview Pocket – Simon and Schuster, 2003).

“Everything’s Bigfoot in Texas” by Eric Spitznagel has this to say about Dr. Henner Fahrenbach’s October 18th lecture (pictured above):

Drawing on interviews with dozens of eye-witnesses, Fahrenbach…insisted that Bigfoots enjoy wrestling, tickle fights, and, most surprisingly, gangbangs. He assured us that even a horny Sasquatch has an impeccable sense of orgy etiquette.

“When an especially large male came onto the scene,” Fahrenbach said, describing a sexual pileup involving one willing female and lots of dudes, “he didn’t try to buck the line but simply stood there and took his turn in good time.”

In the beginning of his lecture, there was some nervous giggling from those in the audience. After a while, they just stared at Fahrenbach, a few with jaws agape. Somewhere in the back row, a woman turned to her husband and whispered, “I can’t tell if he’s kidding.”

It is highly doubtful that Fahrenbach was kidding, and I’m happy to hear the serious Bigfoot researchers like Fahrenbach are being challenged enough by this issue to detail their findings and thoughts, however misunderstood by the media. Is there a change happening within hominology? I applaud Fahrenbach for swimming these shark-filled waters with me, even if reporter Spitznagel may have been unprepared to hear what was being said.

In general, the account in Vanity Fair appears to be a good, down-to-earth sharing of what happened at the Texas conference. To read more about what Spitznagel gathered from Fahrenbach, Daryl Colyer, Alton Higgins, Brian Brown, Michael Cathey, David Paulides, Jeff Meldrum, Henry Gee, Robert Swain, Craig Woolheater and Kathy Strain, please click here.