Delayed ABSM Books

I would like to apologize for a delay in sending out some of the books ordered by folks weeks ago. I thank many of you for your patience. Yes, several books have been sent out. Some have not.

While I had a small supply of books, which I wanted to offer at almost cost to me, multiple orders arriving at the same time placed me in a position of honoring more orders than books here. So many orders came in that I had to re-order another supply of the ABSM books.

I was made to understand on February 7th that these re-ordered books were in the pipeline, and I unfortunately passed on “any day” type messages to folks about their orders.

It has just come to light that this distributor’s employee never acted on my February and March emails, after all, and no books were sent. (I thought perhaps they were lost in their journey to me.)

That employee no longer works there, and I don’t want to go into details about that. Use your imagination. The situation has been corrected at the source site.

As it turns out, this week, after complaining and tracking down what happened, I have been assured my much-delayed back-order is on its way. I will make no promises until they arrive, however.

I do expect to complete all the orders as soon as those books arrive, early next week hopefully.

Once again, I certainly apologize and regret this has occurred.

If you would like to order an autographed hardbound copy of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life postpaid for $40 (sorry, I can’t offer the $25 price any longer), or want to complain to me about your order (all yelling is understandable), please email me or paypal me at

lcoleman {@}

Passion and patience, as Bernard Heuvelmans said. Sometimes we all must have both.

Contributions in support of the International Cryptozoology Museum are greatly appreciated.