Yeti Crab

I happen to have been away for almost three days, and what do you know, new animal discoveries keep being announced at a rapid rate. I’ve been traveling in California, filing postings early, and dealing with some interesting future projects. Nevertheless, I saw all the news of a new critter that has been called the "Yeti Crab" or a "Bigfoot Lobster."

Yeti Crab

Courtesy © Ifremer / A. Fifis Press Release; click on image for larger view.

One of the fastest ways to read about this one is to look to cryptozoology-friendly David Pescovitz at Boing Boing and his insights:

Scientists just announced the discovery of this strange new crustacean 900 miles south of Easter Island. According to a report in the journal of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, divers first found the creature last year at a depth of 7,540 feet.

Also look this weekend to another friend’s comments. Steve Newman in his weekly feature, Earthweek, will highlight this discovery with a new symbol he’s created for such breaking news items.

By the way, being from Maine, a state famed for its lobsters, I must object to this new creature being called a "crab" by the media. :-) But, hey, I understand that "Yeti Crab" makes for a shorter headline than "Easter Island’s Bigfoot Lobster"!