An oversized avian unknown has been observed in the Mendenhall Valley of Alaska.
January 23, 2018: Alaskan Unknown Hairy Hominoid Sightings

The Kooshtakaa is not a topic openly discussed among the Tlingit, let alone with “outsiders.”
Are Lake Illiamna Monsters Getting Rattled?
#Cryptozoology #Seismology #LakeMonsters
Would an eruption of the Illiamna Volcano increase activity of the nearby cryptids?
Screen Shots of Caddy Image
Here are two screen shots of the Caddy from the video.
New Alaskan Bigfoot Video
Breaking News: New moving images of a Sasquatch from Ketchikan have been posted. Video.
Alaska’s Mystery Cat Captured
File this one away. Did you guess what it would be that was probing the bushes of Anchorage? Images.
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