One Response

  1. Loren Coleman
    Loren Coleman May 14, 2006 at 1:03 pm |

    1) Later today the orangutan photos will be uploaded.

    2) Later in this lifetime, Dr. Chow will respond to the API’s theory, obviously, in his forthcoming book. He is not interested in engaging in a blogsphere or media-driven debate with them.

    A theory is only a theory, but the API’s theory does not explain the reports of large, tall, apparently upright hominoids. I thought perhaps two groups of primates being seen were being confused. Needless to say, bipedal orangutans do not exist, as far as known in zoology.

    This latest bit of news clarifies that there are great divisions in theories and organizations in Malaysia, between Chow, SPI, API, the government, media spokespeople, and other wildlife organizations. Malaysia seems as diverse as North America, in terms of groups and Bigfoot camps.

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