Charlie was a significant figure in Florida cryptozoology.
Peter Byrne Celebrates 90th Birthday
My very best to Peter Byrne, and may he have a happy and healthy birthday.
Beachfoot 2015: Photobombing Peter Byrne and Other People
Photobombing is the act of accidentally or purposely putting oneself into the view of a photograph.
The Dog Days of Beachfoot 2015
If one of these Beachfoot dogs shares your domain, please identify it by name and breed, on Facebook or via a comment here.
Something Unusual This Way Comes
The move increases the curated space and adds a library and research center to the cryptozoology museum.
Paul Gosselin, 57, Abair Road Bigfoot Eyewitness Dies
Paul Gosselin was the main Bigfoot eyewitness for the Abair Road incident.
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